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Contact Us with Queries -Prayer Requests - for Meeting Details

If you have any questions regarding a recent bereavement and would like prayer support and help with planning a funeral, please call or complete the form below.

If you need prayer for a situation, sickness, yourself or someone else complete the form below.

If you would like to join us for fellowship you are very welcome please get in touch for details of times and days.

We can help you understand and learn sound Bible teaching so you can share with others, as faithful workers and disciples representing Jesus every day. 

Whatever you want to ask or share, please make contact using the form below, or email or phone we'd love to hear from you. 

God bless you dear friend. May Christ Jesus be your Saviour and Lord as we wait for Jesus return. God Almighty will help us overcome struggles in this world.He has given us His word and our testimony is that we have overcome by faith in the blood of the lamb. 

Jesus is Lord - God IS Love - Today is The Day of Salvation - Amen

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How Can We Serve You

Bless you - JESUS is LORD - We'll be in touch

Please Make Payment, Tithe or Donation To:

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Big Fish 117 Ministries

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Jesus Came to Seek and Save The Lost

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